

Sopiko Tevdoradze

PhD in Business Administration, Professor at Georgian International University GIU

Zurab Mushkudiani

PhD in Business Administration, Professor at Georgian International University GIU, Professor at Monmouth University (USA)

Nugzar Tevdoradze

PhD in Law, Associate professor at Georgian International University GIU, Associate professor at Samtskhe- Javakheti state University


The global economy of the 21st century has witnessed a significant rise in tourism, emerging as a key driver of economic growth and development. However, alongside its growth, the tourism industry faces numerous challenges, with crime emerging as a prominent concern. Crime can have detrimental effects on tourist destinations and the experiences of individual travelers, impacting the industry's overall sustainability and growth. This review article aims to examine the multifaceted impact of crime on tourism, focusing on both macro and micro levels. By analyzing existing literature and case studies, this review seeks to provide insights into the dynamics of crime in the tourism industry and offer recommendations for mitigating its adverse effects.

Keywords: Tourism, criminal activity in tourism


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  4. Crotts, J. C. (1996). Crime and tourism in the Americas. Tourism Management, 17(3), 199-202.
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  8. McElroy, J. L. (2006). Crime and tourism in the Caribbean. In M. M. Kutz (Ed.), Tourism and crime: Implications for tourism security in the Caribbean (pp. 127-140). Routledge.
  9. Pizam, A. (1999). A comprehensive approach to classifying acts of crime and violence in the tourism industry. In Tourism, crime and international security issues (pp. 65-74). Wiley.
  10. Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (2006). Tourism, crime and international security issues. Wiley.
  11. Sönmez, S. F., & Graefe, A. R. (1998). Influence of terrorism risk on foreign tourism decisions. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(1), 112-144.
  12. Alleyne, P., & Boxill, I. (2003). Crime and tourism in the Caribbean: An economic analysis. The Review of Black Political Economy, 30(3), 87-100.
  13. Boxill, I. (2012). Crime and tourism: A focus on the Caribbean. Routledge.
  14. Brunt, P., Donoghue, M., & Mawby, R. I. (2000). Gender, crime and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(1), 28-50.
  15. Crotts, J. C. (1996). Crime and tourism in the Americas. Tourism Management, 17(3), 199-202.
  16. George, T. (2010). Tourism and crime: Perceptions of safety and security among tourists in Table Mountain National Park, South Africa. Tourism Management, 31(2), 250-259.
  17. Holcomb, J. L., & Pizam, A. (2006). Tourism security and safety: From theory to practice. Butterworth-Heinemann.
  18. Lisowska, M. (2017). Perception of crime and tourism: A comparative analysis of selected European countries. Tourism Management Perspectives, 22, 26-34.
  19. McElroy, J. L. (2006). Crime and tourism in the Caribbean. In M. M. Kutz (Ed.), Tourism and crime: Implications for tourism security in the Caribbean (pp. 127-140). Routledge.
  20. Pizam, A. (1999). A comprehensive approach to classifying acts of crime and violence in the tourism industry. In Tourism, crime and international security issues (pp. 65-74). Wiley.
  21. Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (2006). Tourism, crime and international security issues. Wiley.
  22. Sönmez, S. F., & Graefe, A. R. (1998). Influence of terrorism risk on foreign tourism decisions. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(1), 112-144.
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  26. https://www.radiotavisupleba.ge/a/31716174.html

The New Economist N 1 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 1

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