
Some aspects of overcoming property inequality in the conditions of an inclusive economy in Georgia

David Vekua

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Georgian International University

Archil Tsertsvadze

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Georgian Technical University


At all stages of social cohabitation, the need of justice and equality is an important vector of its development, which has often become the basis of huge global transformations and changes. However, the implementation of these transformations was not always successful, because there was no appropriate historical circumstance and moment, and in some cases, these demands were dogmatic and contained many utopian views. New priorities of justice are based on the idea of inclusive development of society in modern Georgia. The main vector of its development lies is that the inclusive economy should create new jobs and contribute to the establishment justice in the distribution of wealth.

Based on the data of the National Statistical Service of Georgia, authors of the article analyze the indicators that most clearly show the scale and severity of this problem in Georgia. According to the authors, high rates of profit growth in the business sector indicate that the problem of financial inequality in the country has become even more visible and property polarization is more sensitive in public relations. Authors believe, that the business sector of Georgia should change its strategy, which is focused only on increasing the value of assets, and shift to protecting the labor rights of employees and increasing their employment perspectives.

Keywords: justice, equality, ownership, freedom, inclusive economy, employment, investment.


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The New Economist N 1 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 1

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