
Revitalization-modernization of Japan's post-World War II industry and the Development of Technical Innovations

Vasil Khizanishvili

Doctor of Social Sciences in Economics, Invited Professor of Iakob Gogebasgvili Telavi State University


The revitalization-modernization of Japan's post-World War II industry and the development of technical innovations were conditioned by a number of internal and external factors, which significantly determined the incredible and unbelievable economic success of this country. However, it is essentially important that in the wake of the formation of a new global paradigm, Japan during this period of its development (1945-1973) was able to concentrate on its own human and material capital, on the maximum use of their potential by conducting state-relevant government policies. In particular, this refers to the support of the Japanese government in the direction of stimulating the growth of the private sector (first, institutional regulations and protectionism were introduced, thus effectively dealing with economic crises, and later the country focused on expanding trade.).

Keywords: industrialization, priority production method, investment rationalization, technological innovations, international competitiveness, technological innovations.


  1. Professor Hiromi Arisawa, in an article, “Measures to Prevent Economic Collapse”. Hyoron : January, 1947;
  2. Saburo Okita. JAPAN IN THE WORLD ECONOMY. P. 3;
  3. Kōsai Yutaka, “Fukkōki’’, Nihon no sangyō seisaku, ed. Komiya Ryūtarō. Tokyo: Tōkyō daigaku shuppankai, 1984, pp. 30-34;
  4. Kōsai Yutaka, Kōdō seichō no jidai, ed. Komiya Ryūtanō et al. Tokyo: Nihon hyōronsha, 1981, pp. 44-58;
  5. Okurashō, ed., Shōwa zaiseishi. Tokyo: Tōyō keizai shinpōsha, 1982, vol. 20. p. 185;
  6. Keizai kikakuchō chōsakyoku, ed. Shiryō: keizai hakusho nijugo nen .Tokyo, 1972, pp. 214-215;
  7. Tōyō keizai shinpōsha, Shōwa kokusei sōran. Tokyo: Tōyō keizai shinpōsha, 1980, vol. 1, p. 662;
  8. THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF JAPAN [Volume 6, The Twentieth Century.] Edited by Peter Duus. Cambridge, 1988. P. 521. Table 10.12;
  9. Miyazaki Giichi, Gendai Nihon no kigyō shūdan. Tokyo: Tōyō keizai shinpōsha, 1976, p. 290;
  10. Tōyō keizai shinpōsha, Shōwa kokusei sōran. Tokyo: Tōyō keizai shinpōsha, 1980, vol. 2, p. 116;
  11. Kōsai Yutaka, “Fukkōki’’, Nihon no sangyō seisaku, ed. Komiya Ryūtarō. Tokyo: Tōkyō daigaku shuppankai, 1984, pp. 38-42.

The New Economist, N 4 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 3

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