
Plastic Use in the Focus of Political Decisions

Gela Aladashvili

PhD in Economics, Professor, at Georgian International University


Plastic consumption is rapidly increasing globally, particularly in the single-use sector, causing significant environmental and climate issues. Plastic waste accumulates in landfills, contributing to carbon emissions and exacerbating climate change. Inefficient waste management leads to the pollution of oceans, rivers, and ecosystems, posing a threat to biodiversity and public health. This article analyzes policy measures, including demand reduction, product design improvements, increased recycling, spill prevention, and clean-up initiatives. Effective policies require clear institutional and regulatory frameworks, financial support, technological development, and public awareness of plastic waste management and recycling. The success of this complex policy depends on the active engagement of stakeholders, who, considering contextual factors, are crucial in addressing the global plastic crisis and promoting sustainable development.

Keywords: Plastics, Waste Management, Plastics Policy.


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The New Economist, N 4 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 3

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