Problems in the life insurance market must be taken into account by insurance companies, however, the public must also be aware of the benefits that life insurance can bring to them. By using this insurance, people are able to take care of their family financial stability in the event of an unforeseen event.
The aim of the paper is to promote the development of the life insurance market, improve the insurance culture and system, as well as increase public confidence in life insurance, conduct a study of the life insurance market and study the state of its development in Georgia.
Systematic and logical generalization, analysis and synthesis methods of research were used to address this issue.
Conclusion. Among the factors hindering the development of the insurance market, we can single out: Lack of information; Mentality; Economic situation of the population. At the same time it is necessary to develop the investment market, which will give incentives to people to invest in life insurance. In the field of pension and life insurance to develop and introduce new products that will be maximally adapted to different segments of the population. It is very important to popularize life insurance. Improve the control mechanism and control the objectivity and fairness of the contracts concluded in the life insurance service, monitor the extent to which the parties to the contract fulfill their obligations.
It is necessary for insurance companies to adapt their products to different social strata as much as possible and to take into account their capabilities. To develop individual approaches to each customer.
Raise public awareness, raise their qualifications and introduce innovative approaches.