

Emzar Julakidze

PhD of economics, Professor of the Department of Business administration at Akaki Tsereteli State University


The whole secret of a success of company depends on choosing the right operational strategy and aligning

it with the corporation. It is right, that successful operational strategy must consist only those steps, which are

connected to fulfilling the company’s operational systems and provision of infrastructure of producing process,

however, when we are talking about the priorities of this strategy, it does not need more clarification, that the

main priority of any company is to choose the targeted market wisely. Nevertheless, to ensure high productivity

with offering the maximum prices to the costumers, it is important to orientate on the priority, which will create

its own indicator in the industry. This is exactly the hidden feature, which generates the privilege on the market.

In order to understand how well they acknowledge the essence of company’s operational strategy, whether they

have a plan, what is the obvious and hidden priority of their success, based on our research, it has been established,

that the majority of the managers of small and medium enterprises (64%) has never heard of importance of

such hidden source of success; those who pointed the necessity of internal source (36%), in the majority (67%)

an obvious inconsistency was revealed between the priority factor of success and it’s provident inner sources.

Keywords: operational strategy; target market; competitive advantage; indicator of success; hidden priority.


  1. Grigolashvili G.2017: The management of operations: planning, operational strategy, competitiveness, Tb. SEU, pg.284. searched 30.10.23 http://dspace.nplg.gov.ge/bitstream/1234/238601/4/OperationsManagement.pdf;
  2. Julakidze E. 2021: management of operations, Kutaisi, ATSU, pg.320;
  3. Julakidze E. 2023: Strategical management, Kutaisi, ATSU, pg.320.

The New Economist N 1 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 1

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