
Niko Nikoladze about the problems and principles of state management

Vaja Shubitidze

Doctor of Political Science GTU Professor


The article analyzes the views of the great Georgian thinker, "man of business" Niko Nikoladze on the problems and principles of state management. Most of these 16 principles of state management were based on the rich personal experience and vision of Niko Nikoladze - from 1875, Nikoladze was first the member of the Tbilisi City Council, and then, from 1894 to 1912, he was the elected head of the city of Poti 5 times in a row. This unique vision and great experience of Niko Nikoladze is still of great importance for the state building of modern Georgia, for the rapid elimination of its backwardness with the Western countries, for the creation of the state program of the country's management and for the correct personnel policy.

Keywords: state, governance, pragmatism, realism, autocracy, democracy


  1. Niko Nikoladze Takhzulebani, Volume VIII, Kutaisi, 2009. (In Georgian)
  2. Niko Nikoladze Rcheuli, Georgian literature, vol. XIV, tb; 1997. (In Georgian)
  3. Niko Nikoladze -160, anniversary collection, Tb; 2003. (In Georgian)
  4. Akaki Bakradze Niko Nikoladze, Tb; 1989. (In Georgian)
  5. Vazha Shubitidze Political Science, Tb; 2006. (In Georgian)
  6. Zbigniew Brzezinski Great Changes, Almanac "Society and Politics", N 1, Tb; 1996. (In Georgian)
  7. Niko Nikoladze's works, vol. IV, Tb; 1964. (In Georgian)
  8. Niko Nikoladze's works, Vol. X, Kutaisi, 2023. (In Georgian)
  9. Vazha Shubitidze Niko Nikoladze - Man-State, Tb; 2013. (In Georgian)
  10. Vazha Shubitidze, the greatest Georgian of the 19th century, Tb; 2023. (In Georgian)

The New Economist N 2-3 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 2

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