
Glottophobia – Language Discrimination

Tsiuri Akhvlediani

Doctor of Philology, Professor Emeritus at Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.


The article considers the negative impact of glottophobia and ways to combat this phenomenon in various spheres such as work, education, culture and politics, and also why some languages ​​and accents suffer the greatest discrimination and which regions have various linguistic habits and traditions. Glottophobia can cause low self-esteem, exclusion from social groups, anxiety about work and the future. There are some ways to fight glottophobia in different areas of life: 1. work, 2.education, 3.Culture and 4.politics.

The fight against glottophobia, i.e. language discrimination is a process that requires attention and mass efforts. It is important to take into consideration that each language has its own unique cultural and social significance. Interaction between people speaking different languages ​​is essential for optimizing the advancement of scientific discoveries, technological initiatives, changes in economic and cultural standards, and human relations.

Keywords: glottophobia, language discrimination, accent, culture of everyday life, development of intercultural relations.


  1. Arditty J., Ph. Blanche Ph., La glottophobie française, une xénophobie qui s’ignore, Paris, 2008;
  2. Gadet, F., Langue et variation, Paris, 2020;
  3. Nugzar Antelava, Manana Bukia, Merab Chukhua, Explanatory Dictionary of Ethnolinguistic Terms, Tbilisi, 2023.

The New Economist, N 4 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 3

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