

Natia Zhgenti

PhD candidate, Faculty of Economics and Business, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Issues of environmental protection in the 21st century are becoming more and more crucial for leading countries and, therefore, for the whole world. This has led to growing the effects of global warming and the lack of certain resources, the reduction of which can cause incredible damage to the world economy. The reaction to the degradation of nature in the USA, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, and other economically developed countries was manifested by the creation of a legal system in the field of environmental protection. The public ecological movement was and is considered to be an essential impetus for the development of legislation in the field of environmental protection in the mentioned countries. Laws adopted in the field of environmental protection are mostly a reaction to an acute ecological problem. Environmental protection issues differ between countries. It is known that developed countries regulate environmental pollution, the processing of chemical waste, and the use of chemical materials at work with special legislative acts. Some developing countries do not have these laws, which allow multinational companies to pollute at higher levels than would be allowed in their own countries. Countries are trying to reach a consensus on many environmental issues, reduce emissions, and find new ways of production that will not cause damage to the environment.

Keywords: Environmental protection, Economic policy, Environment pollution, Paris Green Agreement, National environmental programs, EU Climate and Energy Plan.


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The New Economist N 1 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 1

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