Copyright © 2023 the Author/s
Peer review method: Double-Blind
Accepted: May 22, 2023
Published: June 12, 2023
Original scientific article
DOI suffix: 10.36962/NEC18022023-30
A man is a thinker and a creator: he/she creates ... builds ... destroys ... destructs ... creates again ... rebuilds and this is how the humanity is developing. Yes, life is subject to dialectical development. Sometimes it is necessary to destroy the old in order to build the new one, however this is not always the case. There are such antiques that need to be cared for, caressed and passed from hand to hand to the next generation. As such antiques are primarily the determining factors of the historical existence, the strength, and the immortality of the nation.
There are a lot of unique places on our planet. Their number is inexhaustible and their beauty is completely inestimable, however, the importance of such places is not solely determined by the beauty, they also possess a historical past and are valuable for the country, region and, finally, for the local population. It is the number of such places that strengthens the country, nurtures the largest and vast industry of tourism.
We often talk about the excellence of Georgia, the abundance and uniqueness of cultural monuments of Georgia, however, perhaps we have not analyzed in detail the reason of reason for this, how the country derives from such a distant past without kneeling, while the history tells us about its many-faceted treacherous past. And despite all this, Georgia and the Georgian people have something to be proud of... and this is its rich historical and cultural past.
And the main thing, along with the development of humanity, the historical-cultural heritage is becoming more and more important and noteworthy, at least solely due to the fact that it is considered a non-renewable and valuable resource.