
Circular Economy, Problems and Challenges / ცირკულარული ეკონომიკა, პრობლემები და გამოწვევები

Lasha Tabatadze

DBA, As.Professor, Ilia State University


The article presents a broad overview covering the importance and formation of the circular economy as an independent concept, and its relationship with the phenomenon of new industrialization. A variety of interpretations of the concept of "circular economy" (foreign authors) is considered, the main approaches to its formation are determined. A comparative analysis of the main concepts of environmentalism economics (sustainable development, greening, green economy, circular economy) is carried out according to key features. The evolutionary development of the generating imperatives principles of the concept formation has been studied; features, current state and general development prospects are described. The concept of a circular economy is a universal way for the formation of green growth in the development of countries, allowing to overcome global environmental problems. In the conclusion, the revised concept of a circular economy is presented.

Keywords: circular economy, green economy. / ცირკულარული ეკონომიკა, მწვანე ეკონომიკა.



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The New Economist N3-4, (2021), Vol 16, Issue 3

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