

Demur Chomakhidze

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1469-9417P, E-mail: demurchomakhidze@yahoo.com

Lia Gvazava

Doctor of Business Administration, ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4785-9950, E-mail: lica.gvazava@gmail.com


DOI suffix: 10.36962/NEC17022022-66

The paper presents statistical data on electricity generation and consumption in Georgia in 2015-2020. Also the investments made in the same years, both separately in the electricity generation activity and in the electricity sector as a whole. In addition, the consequences of the unbalanced development of the economy and energy are discussed and the close relationship between electricity consumption and real GDP growth is shown. According to the authors, in order to reduce tariffs and improve technical economic indicators, it is necessary to implement scientific, technological and managerial progress faster than the volume of investments.

Keywords: Electricity generation; electricity consumption; tariffs; investments; scientific technological progress; managerial progress.

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The New Economist N2-4, (2022), Vol 17, Issue 2

Published Date:
