
TAXES – ACCORDING TO FAIRNESS, UTILITY OR SOLVENCY? / გადასახადები - სამართლიანობის, სარგებლიანობის თუ გადახდისუნარიანობის მიხედვით?

ONISE MIRTSKHULAVA / ონისე მირცხულავა

Doctoral of Georgian Technical University / საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნიევრსიტეტის დოქტორანტი


In the article - "Taxes - in terms of fairness, utility or solvency?" – it is discussed about the tax regime used in Georgia, which, despite many changes, has not become a stimulus for business development yet. The author notes that neither the preferential taxation of micro and small enterprises nor the Estonian model of taxation has caused a "Boom" of business prosperity in Georgia.

According to the author of the article, Georgia should immediately implement a progressive regime of taxation, ie taxation according to the solvency of the taxpayer. It will be fair and beneficial to the country's budget.

Keywords: taxes; justice; usefulness; solvency. / გადასახადები; სამართლიანობა; სარგებლიანობა; გადახდის¬უანრიანობა.


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The New Economist N3-4, (2021), Vol 16, Issue 3

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