
Prospects for the development of an artificial uterus

Tekla Karchava

First-year undergraduate student in the Applied Biosciences program Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Copyright © 2023 the Author/s

Peer review method: Double-Blind

Accepted: June 11, 2022

Published: June 23, 2023

Original scientific article

DOI suffix: 10.36962/NEC18022023-77

The article talks directly about the growing importance of biotechnology in the modern period, the main emphasis is on the artificial womb (biobag), the model of which was created and refined for a long time. It is still not finished today, however, scientists in the field assure us that this time will come soon. Its composition and working mechanism are discussed, as well as how its functionality has been tested. The assumptions and opinions of scientists on a given issue, its positive and negative impact, the public's attitude towards a new idea and our personal conclusions regarding this issue are presented.

Keywords: Biotechnology, artificial uterus.



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8.https://www.indiatimes.com/explainers/news/explained-what-is-an-artificial-womb-exploring-the-possibility-of-artificial-gestation-574764.html, last checked, 01.07.2023;

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The New Economist N 2 (2023), Vol 18, Issue 2

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